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De-registration and striking off from the register of Joadah Consult Ltd

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The National Construction Industry Council would like to inform all Clients, Consultants, Contractors, Material Manufacturers, Material Suppliers, Professional Boards and Associations, Construction Stakeholders and the general public that following a disciplinary hearing the Council conducted against Joadah Consult Ltd, Joadah Consult Ltd was found guilty of:

1. Participating in National Competitive Bidding processes contrary to the conditions of their Temporary License and in breach of the Code of Ethics for Consultants in the Construction Industry.
2. Issuing false statements or testimony contrary to the Code of Ethics for Consultants in the Construction Industry.
The Council, therefore, resolved to de-register Joadah Consult Ltd and strike its name off-the register in accordance with Section 27 of the National Construction Industry Act, (Cap 53:05 of the Laws of Malawi) and in accordance with the National Construction Industry (Disciplinary) Rules, Cap 53:05 Sub.leg. p29. Joadah Consult Ltd will, therefore, no longer be allowed to practice in the construction industry in Malawi with immediate effect.

The Council wishes to advise all stakeholders that Section 20 of the NCI Act prohibits a person or firm not registered with the Council to carry on business in the construction industry and any person or firm that contravenes this provision commits an offence. Further, the Council is advising all stakeholders to take note of this development and ensure that they do not engage the services of Joadah Consult Ltd as a Consultant in the construction industry in compliance with the NCI Act.

By order of the Board.

Eng. Gerald T. Khonje
Chief Executive Officer
National Construction Industry Council (NCIC)
Private Bag A146, Lilongwe.
Tel: (265) 0887 82 95 05

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