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Introduction of K5 billion and K10 billion classes of registration

Home 9 Announcements 9 Introduction of K5 billion and K10 billion classes of registration

The National Construction Industry Council was established by the National Construction Industry Act (Cap. 53:05 of the Laws of Malawi) to regulate, develop and promote the Construction Industry in Malawi. The Council has the mandate to prescribe and vary the categories for the registration of persons engaged in the construction industry.
Following the publication in the gazette of National Construction Industry Fees Regulations, 2023 and the National Construction Industry (Registration of Malawian Firms (Contractors)) Regulations, 2024, the Council would like to inform all stakeholders that it has introduced new classes of registration in Building, Civil and Electrical categories for Malawian/Local firms as follows:

Class Seven K5.0 Billion MWK 1,000,000.00
Class Eight K10 Billion MWK 1,500,000.00

These classes are effective from 3rd May, 2024. Please take note that the rest of the Classes remain the same and that you can access the gazetted regulations and list of registered firms from
For further enquiries please contact the undersigned

Eng. Gerald T. Khonje
Chief Executive Officer
National Construction Industry Council (NCIC)
Private Bag A146
Tel: +265 887 829 505
Fax: +265 1 725 535
+265 888 623 845

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