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Stakeholder workshops on construction industry regulation, cost indices, infrastructure delivery management standards and promotion of the construction industry 

Home 9 Announcements 9 Stakeholder workshops on construction industry regulation, cost indices, infrastructure delivery management standards and promotion of the construction industry 

The National Construction Industry Council of Malawi (NCIC) was established by an Act of Parliament (Cap. 53:05 of the Laws of Malawi) for the regulation, promotion and development of the Construction Industry in Malawi.

In line with this mandate, the Council has developed Regulations and other industry instruments with the aim of promoting quality and the full participation of Malawian firms. Therefore, the Council is inviting the following stakeholders:- Government Agencies, Local Authorities and Councils, Consultants, Contractors, Non – Governmental Organizations, and all Institutions involved in planning and execution of construction projects in the construction industry to discuss implementation of  the following:

  1. The Practice of Construction Consultancy Services by Foreign Consulting Firms (Amendment) Regulations, 2023

The Regulations provide for the operation of foreign consulting firms in Malawi and specifically obligate any foreign consulting firm wishing to practice in the construction industry in Malawi to do so through a Malawian firm. Stakeholders will be sensitized and discuss on the key provisions of the Regulations.

  1. The Project Registration Regulations, 2023

The Regulations provide for registration of projects. They specifically obligate clients, contractors and consultants to each register their projects with NCIC. Stakeholders will be taken through the specific requirements and the process for the registration of projects.

  • The Fees Regulations, 2023

These Regulations provide for the fees payable during registration and renewal of licences. They also specify the fees payable for other services provided by the Council. Stakeholders will be updated on the current fees payable and the services where fees is charged.

  1. The Subcontracting and Joint Ventures between Foreign Contractors and Malawian Contractors Regulations, 2023

These Regulations provide for the operations of foreign construction firms in Malawi. They particularly obligate any foreign construction firm wishing to provide services in the construction industry in Malawi to do so in partnership with a Malawian firm either in a joint venture or subcontracting arrangement. Stakeholders will be enlightened on the manner in which the Malawian firm ought to be engaged as well as discuss on how best to enforce the requirement mainly at procurement.

  1. The Levy (Amendment) Order, 2023

The Order provides for the payment of construction levy by contractors and consultants. Stakeholders will be oriented and discuss on the obligations of the Client, Contractor and Consultant in ensuring compliance to the Order.

  1. Cost Indices: Sensitization on the developed cost indices, application and use of the same in the construction industry.
  • Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS): Sensitization on the developed IDMS, application and use of the same in the construction industry

Stakeholders will also discuss best practices in the management of joint ventures and how they can take advantage of the opportunities provided by the regulatory framework.

The Council is therefore inviting all stakeholders in the construction industry to the stakeholder sensitization workshops to be held as follows:

Venue Date Time
Sunbird Mzuzu Hotel – Mzuzu 27th November 2023 From 8 AM
Crossroads Hotel – Lilongwe 29th November 2023 From 8 AM
Crossroads Hotel – Blantyre 1st December 2023 From 8 AM

Eng. Gerald T. Khonje

Chief Executive Officer

National Construction Industry Council (NCIC)

Private Bag A146


Tel: +265 887 829 505

Fax: +265 1 725 535


+265 888 623 845

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